A business with a history of constant growth and development in the insurance space, Gjensidige has clear goals to improve both the client and the employee experience to increase overall positivity during the process. We sat down with Magnus Krik to discuss how is DriveX helping Gjensidige improve vehicle pre-inspections in Estonia.

How Gjensidige Thrives to Make a Good First Impression with DriveX
Initially established more than 200 years ago, the Gjensidige Group is synonymous with security and insurance having grown across the Nordics and Baltics. Their history is highlighted with major acquisitions and periods of growth as they expanded their range of services to best cater to their expanding client base. Listing on the Oslo Exchange in 2010, they recorded a 549% growth in share price in the decade following, with their recent reports stating earned premiums of 27 billion NOK (approx. €2.6 bn).
A business with a history of constant growth and development in the insurance space, Gjensidige has clear goals to improve both the client and the employee experience to increase overall positivity during the process. We sat down with Magnus Krik to discuss how is DriveX helping Gjensidige improve vehicle pre-inspections in Estonia.
Product Manager, Magnus Krik explains that, “We believe that if a customer has a good first experience, they will come back even if the next few experiences are not as good. If a customer has a poor first experience, they won’t come back at all.”
Highlighting the importance of first impressions, Magnus outlines how choosing a partner who would directly impact this is a potentially risky decision, and one they don’t take lightly.
Coming from an existing manual process of either emailing images (directly or through partners) or in-person contact at their offices, the team wanted to explore the guided self-service process that DriveX could offer having seen some similar solutions previously. Their main goals were to improve image quality, efficiency of time for employees and streamline the whole process for clients. Having previously tried to develop an in-house solution, the Norwegian head office valued the expertise and focus that comes from integrating a 3rd party partner.
After considering the business case, identifying the value adding aspects and thoroughly testing through a special environment, Gjensidige agreed to integrate DriveX in an extended pilot starting in December 2020.
Being a pilot, the DriveX solution ran in parallel to their existing manual solutions. Magnus describes how looking at the last 6 months of data and employee feedback, the results are clear. “45% of all links being generated are via DriveX and the feedback is very positive, especially from younger employees. The percentage of successful photo series has definitely increased. ” He goes on to explain how DriveX generated links are saving 30+ minutes for each case for the team members.
One of the areas of concern prior to the trial was that of the technical burden associated with learning a new tool. As part of the integration, DriveX offered thorough trainings, with each new employee receiving a ‘crash course’ on DriveX as part of their onboarding. “There hasn’t been much need for additional workshops. All questions have been answered on the go. Only thing we are afraid of is the scenario where the end-customer asks a technical question from our sales team and they don’t know how to answer. In reality there haven’t been these questions almost at all.”
With DriveX currently being an optional route to offer to customers, there did need to be steady reminders and encouragement to utilise the new tool, with some employees reverting back to the ‘tried and tested’ manual processes. With the goal of having just one solution in the future, Gjensidige has expanded the integration to include API. Magnus was confident this next step will improve the flow for all employees and will decrease the need for manual options.
Reflecting on the trial, the clear goals of improving customer experience and the quality of images weren’t simply met, but exceeded.
When asked about the future of the partnership, Magnus made it clear how DriveX is trusted to help in such a key step to their business, “With DriveX we thrive to make a good first impression.”