
Doing amazing things for all kinds of automobile companies

Car sales and dealerships

Vehicle inspection service for managing car parks and providing info for top class car listings.

Insurance companies

Vehicle inspection service for those perfect pre-inspection photos and smart claim management.

Rental companies

Vehicle inspection service for preventing fraud and customer disputes in car rental business.

The process

You are only a few steps away from the most efficient vehicle inspection!

Week 1

Understanding your needs.

Week 2-3

Demo and trial.

Week 4-6

Pilot program

Month 3

Commercial agreement.

Month 4

Inspect vehicles more effectively!

How DriveX works?

This is how DriveX fits into your car dealership’s processes

1. Inspect vehicles in your car park with DriveX

Inspecting one vehicle takes about 2-3 minutes. Receive all essential information about your cars’ visual condition and keep all the data in one place.

Based on DriveX inspection, you can create trustworthy car listings providing your clients high quality pictures with reports about damages and overall visual condition.

Client will trust your listings more knowing the data came from a neutral third party and the vehice pictures are not edited or modified in any way.

Book a demo with our sales team