Differentiate yourself from competitors with enhanced damage reporting and quicker windshield resolutions.
Increase your windshield repairability assessment accuracy with AI
26% of customers exaggerate their damage. With AI, damage assessment is done correctly, which makes part-ordering more profitable.

Windshield repair journey comparison
Old process
Inefficient input
The repair shop asks John for photos of the damage via multiple emails in order to schedule the job.
Manual decisions
John’s photos are misleading. Manual analysis results in an expensive windshield replacement decision.
Costly outcome
At the shop, they realise the windshield could be repaired, and a new one was ordered unnecessarily.
Process with DriveX
Efficient input
The repair shop sends John a DriveX link to take photos of the damages on his windshield.
AI decisions
The repair shop receives high-quality photos and an instant AI 'REPAIR' decision.
Sustainable outcome
As correct job is booked instantly, technicians can plan their time well and windshield job is done efficiently.
Key features
Stand out from your competitors
Make part-ordering more precise
After client has captured their windshield damage, you will instantly receive the repairability decision and are able to organise the correct job.
Decrease customer no-shows
With accurate damage assessment completed immediately, customers can promptly book the correct time slot and get their windshield fixed as quickly as possible.
Easy and intuitive to use
It will take your clients only 2-3 minutes to capture their windshield damage. All instructions are included in the solution.