How DriveX assists Buyers & Sellers of used cars do business safely
The used car market is estimated at almost double that of the new car market, and is increasing. Material shortages, shipping delays and the overall cost of goods, things are expensive when buying brand new. There is also the environmental impact. In our article, we breakdown the decision between buying new vs used and in many cases it can be better to purchase a used car and extend its life cycle before purchasing a new one. But there are risks.
Entering the Used Car Market
Not every seller is a “good actor” and some are eager to mislead or hide potential damages. Photos uploaded can be old, intentionally hiding damage or missing something important you should know. Sellers also could find it hard to “prove” that their car is in as good condition as they claim. Both parties lack trust and certainty to what they are seeing. All this is before the time needed to go and physically check the car to verify it is the same one.
Your Trusted Partner
Through DriveX’s SmartScan guided vehicle report, buyers and sellers together can immediately have confidence in what is being negotiated. Our service offers a guided image capture process that takes photos in real time of the vehicle and automatically compiles a safety report highlighting any damaged areas. In a matter of minutes DriveX can compile:
- Vehicle VIN and Registration,
- Current vehicle state including potential damage,
- Potential fraud (GPS tagging, VIN and plate comparison) and
- High quality and complete vehicle images.

Available to individuals and companies as a trusted verification tool in the used car market, DriveX is a customisable solution available to be ‘white-labeled’ to fit company branding and needs. Our aim is to bring trust to this multi-million dollar industry.
How Does It Work?
Let’s say you’re interested in a car located in Germany, but you’re located in Estonia. Travelling to see the car can be both time and money consuming. You cannot be sure that the pictures provided by the seller are trustworthy. It is possible, that in the pictures the car seems to be in perfect state, but reality is very different. This is where DriveX can help. Seller will receive the DriveX link, open up our web-based app and take pictures of the car. There is no room for error nor editing photos as the whole process is guided and no old photos can be uploaded. You will receive a vehicle safety & damage report alongside with all the pictures. Based on our trustworthy data and vehicle reports you can assess the state of the car without leaving your home.