Buying a car is one of the biggest financial decisions in most people’s lives. Unfortunately the buyers can find themselves in a position where despite the sellers’ tempting talk and polished ads there are some serious shortages in vehicles’ condition. DriveX cooperated with car inspection service provider Automaakler. Together, we are bringing remote used car inspection to the market. This service is especially useful for those who want to buy a car from another city or country. The result of the remote inspection is the first thorough visual condition check of the car. Based on that, mechanical checks can be ordered if necessary.
Rauno Sigur, co-founder and CEO of DriveX commented that the challenge in the used car market is very relevant and interesting. “As we know, car accessibility is currently limited and in today’s economy consumers are looking for ways that are a little more wallet-friendly. Everything that’s moving is also wearing. That’s why people have to pay attention if car sellers are honest about the car’s condition or not. Buying a car from another city or country is not news anymore, but a growing trend. I have myself been in a situation where I went to see a certain car, spent quite a lot of time on it, but ended up disappointed in the end. It was clear that the seller had made the car look and seem much better in the pictures and texts than it actually was. It would have cost me a few thousand euros worth of repair work, so it was wiser to waive the deal” he added.
Automaakler, who is the partner of Estonia’s biggest car selling platform auto24, has regulated the used car market for up to 8 years. “Assessing a car’s condition before buying is not a standard practice for most buyers and they are missing necessary knowledge and skills. That’s why it is good that there are trustworthy partners, who take this responsibility upon themselves. Based on my experience I can confirm that there are still a remarkable number of car dealers whose whole business model is using the lack of knowledge and skills of consumers. But of course there are situations where the seller is not aware of the fault and actually wants to do an honest deal” says Sander Kuusk, the CEO of Automaakler.
DriveX remote inspection is an innovative software that uses computer vision and web technologies. The service can be ordered from Automaakler’s home page. After ordering the service, the car seller will receive a link. Seller will open the link on a smartphone and complete a standardised picture taking process (no app download). Pictures can be only taken in real time and each image content is validated by AI. After the photo series is completed, a report is compiled automatically. The report consists of trustworthy photos of a car, info about the location of the car and an overview of visual damages that were found on the car body.
According to Automaakler this service is filling a niche in the market. “It is possible to decide whether to continue with the buying process of a vehicle solely based on pictures and seller behaviour. It’s a warning flag when the seller refuses to complete the pre-purchase inspection or tries to undermine the idea of a pre-purchase inspection. The car dealer who is up for no good usually just tries to make the deal go through as fast as possible, so the remote inspection is a good first validation” Kuusk commented.
According to Sigur, remote inspection is a good starting point – fast and affordable. In addition he recommends having a technical checkup done after the visual inspection. “DriveX’s mission is to be a smart helper in every car buyer’s pocket and the visual remote inspection is only the first stage. Our goal is to develop audio diagnostic and telematics solutions to apply in pre-purchase inspection. This means that DriveX AI will understand for example the sound of the engine and the fault code related to the gearbox. In that case our 360 degree remote inspection is usable globally” he said.