July 7, 2022

The Easiest Way to Sell Your Car

How DriveX offers guided vehicle verification to add simplicity and authority to the car market

Your 2018 Toyota Corolla has been a great car. You’ve treated it well and it’s still running as good as the day you got it (minus that strange squeak no one can find). But it’s time for a new car, maybe you’re looking for something a little more sporty, or spacious or simply just time for an upgrade. You know your Corolla is still worth a decent amount, but it’s hard to convey that on many of these digital marketplaces. They compress the images to make it look like you’re selling a matchbox car or that your photo is from the early 00’s. On top of that, you’ve not done this before! What’s the right angle? What are the do’s and don’ts for posting car ads? You’re already busy with everything going on, where do you find the time to make sure the ad has the right ‘pop’ so you can sell your car?

What you need is a clean, easy to use solution that takes high quality images, reviews damage and creates an immediate report ready to perfectly present your vehicle exactly how it is. 

DriveX’s SmartScan solution offers a completely guided experience that walks sellers around their car with real-time feedback to ensure the perfect 360° set of images, VIN code matching, and AI tagged damage to help offer all the necessary information to a potential buyer. The end result is a high quality and well structured vehicle state report.

Taking all the difficulty and hard work out of selling your car, by taking 2 minutes and creating your cars’ own report, you can simply attach this report to your car ad to help convey more certainty and authority to your offer.

The DriveX SmartScan process is a trusted solution to many insurance providers due to the ease-of-use and yet fully comprehensive overview helping immediately consider the value of the vehicle. Now individual and company sellers can tap into this same process allowing buyers to quickly review, consider and decide on the offer in a matter of moments. Reducing the amount of fraud and time wasted on both sides, DriveX reports are an easy way to help your cars stand out and show the value of your ride.

Speak to the team at DriveX to hear how car dealerships can utilise the same process to review images and their inventory all in one place.



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